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Teaching and Learning Gap.

CEMASTEA Biology laboratory presents opportunity for educational research practical and experiments to connect   theory being taught in classroom setup to hands on praxis. This is achieved by laboratory test trials and experimental proof of concepts. The laboratories are envisaged with conducive teaching and learning space, modernized teaching aids, adequate science laboratory materials and chemicals to enhance teaching and learning intercourse.

Therefore, the effective teaching and learning of science for understanding is achieved by retention of laboratory information attained through virtual grasping physical interaction with challenges and success experienced in laboratories, computer simulations and animations for three dimensional images and proceses. Thus, CEMASTEA laboratories present the dire need to have effective science laboratories in leaning institutions so as to realize the purposeful teaching and learning process.


    Biology laboratory. Participants performing            Set up of Biology laboratory ready for practical lesson

            Anaerobic Respiration practical



Quality Policy Statement

The Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa is committed to providing training to curriculum implementers and conducting educational research in a timely, efficient and effective manner

The Centre is committed to satisfying customer, organizational, legal and ISO 9001:2015 requirements and to the continual improvement of its quality management system.



CEMASTEA Newsletter

Issue 17 of the CEMASTEA Info Newsletter is Out!!!!! Download a copy and read more. Enjoy the read!

CEMASTEA’s Practitioner Journal of Mathematics and Science Teachers

CEMASTEA has established a Practitioner Journal of Mathematics and Science Teachers (PJM&ST). Click here to access the journal. The journal is also accessible on CEMASTEA Content Repository using the link: and on the Online Journal System using the link:

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Centre for Mathematics, Science & Technology
Education in Africa (CEMASTEA)
P.O.Box 24214-00502
Karen Road-Bogani Road  Junction
Tel: 020-2044406 ,+254 706 722697/+254 780 797648

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