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Physics Department

Physics department is a core department charged with the responsibility of championing academic matters pertaining to Physics at CEMASTEA. The department’s core mandate is to capacity build secondary physics and primary science teachers within Kenya and other African countries.  Through development of innovative learning activities, the department endeavors to boost the interest of learners in the physics subject.


A department of excellence in Teacher Professional Development in STEM education and specifically secondary physics and primary science


To transform teaching of physics in secondary schools, and science in primary schools by continuously developing teacher competences for effective  curriculum delivery and improved quality of education.

Core Functions

  1. Conducting  research on classroom instruction to inform training content in Physics
  2. Development of needs based training materials
  3. Development of innovative teaching and learning resources
  4. Conduct training for secondary school teachers, primary school teachers and other stake holders
  5. Conduct monitoring and evaluation of training in Kenya  and  the Africa region.

Core values

  1. Timeliness
  2. Professionalism
  3. Teamwork
  4. Integrity 
  5. Efficiency

Contact Dean Physics

Mr. Philip Maate

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Quality Policy Statement

The Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa is committed to providing training to curriculum implementers and conducting educational research in a timely, efficient and effective manner

The Centre is committed to satisfying customer, organizational, legal and ISO 9001:2015 requirements and to the continual improvement of its quality management system.



Kenya Math Olympiad
Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA)  concluded a five day Mathematics bootcamp for 26 students from Kenyan secondary schools. Some of the students  will represent the country at three of the world’s most prestigious Mathematics tournaments.
Click the links to watch and read news about KMO 

CEMASTEA STEM Boot Camp December 2024

Coverage by KNA:

Click on the Link for the closing of the CEMASTEA Boot Camp as aired on KBC TV:

Click on the Link for the opening of the CEMASTEA Boot Camp as aired on KBC TV:

CEMASTEA Newsletter

Issue 17 of the CEMASTEA Info Newsletter is Out!!!!! Download a copy and read more. Enjoy the read!

Physics Photos

  • apple.jpg
  • bananas_2.jpg
  • Conference1(1).JPG
  • Conference1.JPG
  • fruits.gif
  • tamarind.jpg

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Our Location

Centre for Mathematics, Science & Technology
Education in Africa (CEMASTEA)
P.O.Box 24214-00502
Karen Road-Bogani Road  Junction
Tel: 020-2044406 ,+254 706 722697/+254 780 797648

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