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Published in CEMASTEA News Written by January 21 2022


Written by Makanda John & Ann Mumbi, CEMASTEA     

The 2021 Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) course for mathematics and science teachers took place from the 18th -29th October 2021 in all 47 counties. The training theme was enhancing teachers’ competencies in remote learning techniques for effective teaching and learning mathematics and science. By the end of the training, participants were expected to demonstrate skills and competencies, plan and implement lessons online using Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, virtual laboratories and animations. Further, they were to demonstrate an understanding of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) and appreciate the need for continuous Professional Development (PD).

The training was officially opened in all 47 counties by officers from the Ministry of Education and Teachers Service Commission. During the opening ceremony in Nandi County, Chief Guest, County Director Mr Zachary Mutwiri, thanked CEMASTEA for being far-sighted to the need of equipping teachers with current pedagogies and, in particular online ICT skills. He noted that virtual interactions are the new norm and called on participants to embrace and apply knowledge and skills learnt. He added that ICT in schools makes learning more interactive and fun, especially the simulation of real-life situations. Mr Mutwiri observed remote learning would help fill the gap experienced through teacher shortage forced closures of schools brought about by events such as Covid-19. These messages were reiterated in all other 47 countries by the Chief Guests. 

A sample Google Classroom developed by a participant

The training registered success in most counties, with 8,688 STEM teachers participating. Most teachers demonstrated using Microsoft and Google Meet tools to set up, invite participants, conduct synchronous online meetings, and make online presentations. Other vital skills presented included creating and submitting online activities. It is important to note that the teachers will need more practice navigating the online tools for instructional purposes. Some of the challenges observed included low and poor connectivity and the inability to use ICT tools such as mobile phones. Subsequent training will focus on these skills. Officers from the Ministry of Education and Teachers Service Commission monitored and gave valuable input and support throughout the training.




Published in CEMASTEA News Written by January 21 2022

Written by Mary W. Sichangi, Winfred Magu & Gregory Njogu

The Strengthening of Mathematics and Science Education in Africa (SMASE Africa) Association held its 18th Annual Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa [COMSTEDA 18] from 23rd -25th November 2021. The virtual conference under the theme: Teacher Professional Development in Africa: Knowledge, Skills, Values and Attitudes in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Learning Environments was hosted by the University of Rovuma, Nampula-Mozambique. The conference attracted 58 paper presenters from 11 countries; Botswana, South Africa, Nigeria, Mauritius, Kenya, Namibia, Niger, Mozambique, United Kingdom, Zambia and Uganda.

A screen shot showing participant’s during the conference

During the opening ceremony, Chief Guest, Honourable vice Minister of Education & Human Resource Development-Mozambique, Professor Manuel Bazo, lauded the conference and its intended contribution to STEM education in Africa. He noted that STEM educational disciplines play an integral role in the socio-economic development of African nations. He indicated that the conference was the proper forum to share good practices and innovative teaching approaches. He noted that outcomes could be used to explore new methodologies for learning science, developing and cultivating interest, raising performance, and the motivation to choose courses and professions in STEM. Prof. Cyril Julien,  University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign delivered the keynote speech. CEMASTEA presented three papers; two from the biology department and another by Dr Mercy Macharia of the Chemistry department. 


The closing ceremony for the conference was presided over by Dr Benson Banda, President and SMASE – Africa. To ensure an effective learning STEM environment and prepare them to meet the continent's demands, President challenged the participants to balance policy, research, and practice. In her remarks, Executive Secretary SMASE-Africa Mrs Jacinta Akatsa, Director, CEMASTEA, reiterated that the conference provided an opportunity for constructive dialogue on STEM education in Africa. She encouraged more participation, especially on ICT Integration in STEM education.  Professor Sarifa Fagilde, Vice President, SMASE-Africa, lauded the Organising committee, the hosting Committee in Mozambique and the SMASE Africa Secretariat for organising such a successful conference. She noted that such partnerships would contribute to Africa’s aspirations to realize quality STEM education and act as a stepping stone towards more scientific and technological innovations. Uganda's Ministry of Education will host the 2022 COMSTEDA 19 conference.



Published in CEMASTEA News Written by January 21 2022

Written by Dan Orero, CEMASTEA & Peter Ndiritu, Mt. Kinangop Girls

Mt. Kinangop Girls’ Secondary held their third Annual Science Week from 1st to 6th November 2021. The theme of the science week was ‘Enhancing Mastery of Content through Practice’. The week was marked with numerous activities designed to provide active learning experiences for the students. These included peer teaching, group discussions, making teaching & learning aid models, symposiums, quick-fire sessions and STEM-based edutainment. Learners were expected to develop skills in communication & collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and self-efficacy.

During the closing ceremony, the Chief Guest Director CEMASTEA, Mrs Jacinta L. Akatsa, represented by Deputy Director Mrs Lydia Muriithi, affirmed that the knowledge and skills learnt will be helpful beyond school and will make them more adaptable and competitive in future. She was delighted by the demonstration of skills by the learners. She informed the learners that CEMASTEA functions to assist schools in becoming better in STEM education and promoting innovations that solve real-life problems.

In her remarks, senior Principal Mrs Jane N. Njoga noted that we live in an ever-changing world with emerging challenges that require creativity and innovativeness in home-grown solutions. She emphasized the importance of learners aspiring to be scientists to be curious, attentive, and able to do research. In addition, she reiterated that learners should aspire to apply the knowledge learned to solve societal problems. She thanked the teachers for coming up with the noble idea and promised to make the event part of the school culture. CEMASTEA donated a science kit to the school.


Mrs. Lydia Muriithi (left), Deputy Director, CEMASTEA presenting a science kit to Mrs. Jane N. Njoga, Senior Principal Mt. Kinangop Girls’ Secondary during the schools’ Science Week closing ceremony.



Published in CEMASTEA News Written by November 03 2021

Written by Dan Orero and Mary Sichangi.

The ‘Slow Education’ concept enhances students’ ability to learn how to learn and develop values and ethics to live a joyous life in the slow lane.


A section of the Padlet with some of the posts from the participants

The International webinar on Principles of ‘Slow Education’ in the context of STEM Education. was organized by the Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) as a form of knowledge management and sharing based on a training conducted by A. Ofri International Centre, Israel.  The Webinar took place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12th to 26th October, 2021.

The training offered participants an opportunity to hear from each other and gain greater understanding while putting into practice the knowledge acquired.
Speaking during the opening ceremony held on 13th October 2021, the chief guest, Director General, Ministry of Education represented by Ms. Margaret Muandale, the Director Teacher Education, Ministry of Education, Kenya applauded CEMASTEA for conducting such a training that will help cascade the principles of slow education to the various countries. She indicated that the training was in line with the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4); that aims at ‘ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education that promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all’.


Ms. Margaret Muandale,

Director Teacher Education, Ministry of Education during the opening ceremony

Director CEMASTEA, Mrs. Jacinta Akatsa in her welcome remarks, affirmed the participants that the webinar was tailored to equip ministry of education officials in charge of STEM education with necessary skills to integrate principles of slow education in STEM policies. She further remarked that, for school principals the webinar was to encourage institutionalization of school level policy to support pedagogical leadership of STEM education. Participants were emboldened to be agents of change of quality of STEM education in their country.

Mrs. Jacinta L. Akatsa, HSC,




Speakers & Facilitators from CEMASTEA:

Mrs. Lydia Muriithi (top left), Deputy Director Corporate; Mrs. Mary Sichangi (top right), Coordinator Partnerships and Linkages; Mr. John Odhiambo (bottom left), National Trainer and Mr. Philip Maate, National Trainer, during the opening ceremony of the international webinar

 The webinar facilitated by CEMASTEA staff involved synchronous learning through the Zoom platform and asynchronous learning through the Google classroom & the Padlet media platform.

Participants during the opening ceremony

In order to compliment STEM education and enhance the capability of learners in 21st century skills and knowledge, the webinar was crafted to cover five sessions namely; Slow movement and slow down narrative, World of concepts and deepen in principles; From thoughts to deeds, From idea to action (Presentations) and Educational and pedagogical innovation in STEM education. The participants were actively involved and made presentations that demonstrated understanding of concepts as illustrated in the padlet links.

The closing ceremony of the webinar took place on 26th October 2021, graced by the chief guest, Dr. Reuben Nthamburi, Director Quality and Standards at Teachers Service Commission (TSC), who represented the C.E.O, TSC, informed the participants that the commission is always geared towards well maintained teaching standards. He urged them to develop a positive mindset and implement the training in their respective countries with the aim of transforming to learning improvement hence achieving quality learning.

Dr. Reuben Nthamburi,

Director Quality and Standards, Teachers Service Commission (TSC) during the closing ceremony

In her remarks, Director of the Aharon Ofri International Training Center, Ms. Yudith Rosenthal reiterated that ‘Slow education’ is not defined by doing things slowly, but deeply hence achieving the quality desired. She encouraged them to implement lessons learnt during the International Webinar in their respective countries.

Ms. Yudith Rosenthal, Director

The Aharon Ofri International Training Center, Israel

Director CEMASTEA, Mrs. Akatsa congratulated the participants for successfully completing the course and thanked the TSC for continuous support in implementing Teacher Professional Development courses. She affirmed that the webinar will inculcate entrepreneurial skills among learners that are vital for sustainable development. She encouraged them not only to make good use of the ideas in the Padlet as rich reservoir of ideas for engagement, but also cascade lessons learnt. She promised that CEMASTEA will continue cascading the training to teachers in STEM schools in Kenya through similar webinars.

Mrs. Jacinta L. Akatsa, HSC, Director CEMASTEA, presenting a sample certificate to

Mr. Maikudi Abdul having successfully completed the webinar



Published in CEMASTEA News Written by October 26 2021

School Visit Ngaru Girls Secondary School

Article written by Beatrice Macharia and Winfred Magu

Photos by Winfred Magu

School visits at CEMASTEA play an integral role in enhancing learning and motivation towards STEM education and linking classroom experiences with real life. During the visits, learners engage in activities across various subjects, mainly in Science, Technology, Engineering and STEM and Mathematics (STEM), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) innovations and Information, Communication & Technology (ICT). They perform experiments, engage in discussions also benefit from motivational talks.

In September, CEMASTEA hosted fifty-seven learners and two teachers from Ngaru Girls Secondary school Kirinyaga County. The learners had the opportunity to experience the fun of learning by engaging in various activities. In biology, they did anaerobic respiration, ecology, and transport in animals, support and movement. In chemistry, they undertook activities in electrolysis and gas law experiments. Concepts demonstrated in physics included electromagnetic induction, Van deer Graph principle and pressure. In ESD, they focused on environmental conservation activities and the setting up of a black soldier fly project.


Ngaru secondary school student engage in STEM and ESD activities during the visit.

The most exciting part of the visit was the innovations laboratory. Here the learners performed activities to enhance their critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity and innovations skills. The Committee on Special Programmes, Student Learning coordinates the school visits at CEMASTEA.

Beatrice Macharia and Winfred Magu, CEMASTEA


ICT Training: Witu Mjini Secondary School Teachers

Article written by Beatrice Macharia and Muyanga Mutua

Photos by  Maulidi Khalfan and Justus Wambua

Teacher Professional Development (TPD) empowers teachers to deliver better lessons and learning experiences.  In this recognition, Witu Mjini Secondary school Principal Mr Paul Wainaina supported his teachers and lab technicians to attend a two-day customised training at CEMASTEA from 27th and 28th August.  The teachers also used the opportunity to engage in team-building activities facilitated by Wambugu wa Kamau, a motivational speaker.

The customised training focused on enhancing the skills of the teachers and technicians to integrate ICT in teaching and learning. The training with a practical orientation had sessions that included; the concept of ICT integration, introduction to Technology, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) model, using remote learning, and conferencing resources to plan and deliver lessons. These resources include Zoom, Microsoft teams, Google Meet and Google Classroom. Other activities during the training were visits to the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) projects, mathematics room, science laboratories and the innovations room.

This training equipped the teachers with knowledge and skills for engaging learners remotely and developing innovative activities that could enrich learning in their school. Participants were awarded a certificate at the end of the training.

During the closing ceremony for the training, the Director congratulated the school leader for supporting his entire staff to attend the training.  She noted this set an excellent example for the rest of the schools in the country. She promised to promote the school through the provision of science equipment and further collaboration in future.

Director CEMASTEA, Mrs. Jacinta Akatsa, HSC awards a certificate to the school principal Mr. Paul Wainaina

Teachers from Witu Mjini Secondary School, Lamu County, engaged in innovative learning activities during a visit to CEMASTEA







Published in CEMASTEA News Written by July 16 2021

Director CEMASTEA, Madam Jacinta L. Akatsa, HSC, giving key note address during the opening ceremony of a one week training workshop by CEMASTEA to 30 teachers of mathematics and science from Sunshine secondary school. The training theme was ‘Enhancing effective learner involvement through learner centered pedagogies”. She emphasized the need to breakdown concepts in a form that is easier for comprehension by learners. She shared very insightful lived experiences of innovative strategies that promote effective learning. She advised participants to embrace forums that allow sharing of lived experiences in teaching and learning as a great strategy that impact on curriculum delivery.


Mrs. Jacinta L. Akatsa, HSC, Director CEMASTEA during the opening ceremony of a one week training workshop to Sunshine Secondary School Math/Science teachers

Published in CEMASTEA News Written by June 01 2021

Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA)


COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on all spheres of life and the education sector has not been spared. The disease was first reported in China in December 2019. By January 2020, it had become clear that COVID-19 was raising health concerns including the fact that it was highly contagious with a potential to cause death for some of the infected persons. Thus, the World Health Organisation (WHO) asked countries to take precautionary measures to ensure containment of the disease. The first case of COVID-19 was reported in Kenya on 13th March 2020 and two days later the President directed all learning institutions to close as a containment measure to curb the spread of the disease. Even though the closure of schools did not mean the end of education, it temporarily halted the face-to-face interactions between teachers and students.

To ensure continuity of learning following the schools closure, the Ministry of education (MOE) drafted the Kenya basic Education COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan (MOE, 2020), to guide the process. For example, through the plan, the MOE committed to strengthen the Kenya Education Cloud at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) to ensure easy access to digital content by teachers and students. The MOE also tasked KICD to ensure provision of Radio and TV broadcasts on a timely and predictable manner including broadcasting through community radio channels. However, it was not clear how teachers would navigate the process of supporting learning through remote means as well as the kind of support they needed to be effective and successful in their work. This concern arose from the fact that up until the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic most of the teaching had been face-to-face.

This study which involved 472 SMASE Secondary school county trainers and 3718 secondary school mathematics and science teachers trained through CEMASTEA in 2020 was conducted to give insights into this issue. The study sought to (1) identify ways in which COVID-19 affected teaching and learning in secondary mathematics and science in Kenya (2) determine mathematics and science teachers’ perspectives about online teaching and learning (3) determine the ICT tools and platforms, sources of information, and support that enabled mathematics and science teachers to continue supporting learners during the COVID-19 pandemic (4) identify areas of capacity development for mathematics and science teachers to continue teaching during COVID-19 pandemic. To address these objectives the study adopted a descriptive survey methodology and utilised questionnaires to collects data.

The findings of this study show that teaching and learning was affected in three main ways as follows (1) disruption to teaching and learning (2) shift from face-to-face to remote teaching and learning, and (3) disruption to activities related to teaching and learning. As far as disruption to teaching and learning was concerned, the respondents noted that face-to-face interactions with student were not possible as a result of COVID-19 pandemic. They were concerned about students missing such interactions with the concern being greater for the Form Four students because of being in a candidate class and therefore expected to sit KCSE later in the year. It also emerged that despite this concern for students missing such interactions, majority of the respondents took more than four weeks to reach out to support students’ learning.

Indeed only about 40% of the respondents took the steps to reach out to students and support their learning utilising mainly telephone and specifically WhatsApp. The low percentage of respondents who made an attempt to reach out to students could be attributed to their perception about remote teaching and learning where majority of them did not believe that there could be effective teaching and learning through online platforms. This study also revealed that a teacher’s confidence to enact teaching through online platforms is a factor that affects whether or not a teacher engages students to learn through online platforms. The Multiple Logistic Regression Model applied in this study showed that respondents who were somehow confident or not confident at all to conduct teaching through online platforms had a relatively high likelihood of not conducting lessons during the pandemic period compared to those who were confident.

It also emerged that COVID-19 disrupted the routine of activities related to teaching and learning in terms of time spent on these activities. On average, between 43% and 45% of respondents spent less than two hours on teaching and other activities related to teaching such as planning lessons; reviewing lesson notes; assessing students’ learning and revising work already covered with students.

Regarding ICT tools, it emerged that the respondents were aware of a variety of ICT tools that could be deployed to support students’ learning during COVID-19 pandemic. The tools include hardware such laptops, mobile phones, CD-ROMs, Television, radio as well as platforms such as Google Classroom, WhatsApp, Facebook and sources of e-content form the internet through search engines such as Google, Firefox and Microsoft Edge. Despite, this high extent of awareness, the respondents’ deployment of these tools in supporting learning during COVID-19 was low for all the tools except WhatsApp which had the highest reported incidents of use. Internet connectivity (both in terms of cost and coverage) was the single factor cited most by respondents as a hindrance to the deployment of the tools to support students’ learning during COVID-19 pandemic.

All in all, the respondents acknowledged receiving support from several stakeholders aimed at continuity of learning during COVID-19 pandemic. The stakeholders who played a key role in this process included the MOE, Ministry of Health, TSC, KICD, CEMASTEA, school administration and County Governments. The support provided ranged from provision of information about COVID-19 (i.e., the need to keep and stay safe), and payment of salaries to capacity development in the use of some of the learning management systems (LMS), and provision of e-learning materials and internet bundles to access the materials.

This study concludes that, only a limited number of mathematics and science teachers reached out to their students to support their learning during COVID-19 pandemic. This was mainly due to barrier of accessibility and cost of ICT tools on the part of students. But also, the teachers’ perception about remote learning and their confidence to enact teaching through online platforms played a role in this.  The study recommends that there should be sustained teacher professional development especially in the area of remote or online teaching and learning to equip the teachers with the requisite skills to support learners during circumstances that lead to prolonged school closures. Furthermore, ICT tools that include devices such as such as Smart phones, tablets, laptops, radio, TV and internet sets as well as electricity are enablers of remote or online learning. These resources need to be made available to all teachers and students to enable implementation of remote or online learning. This can only happen through a concerted effort of all stakeholders (i.e.,, BOM, school administration, and parents) including multi-agency support through various ministries such as MOE, ICT and energy. Specifically parents on their part are required to provide ICT tools and related resources such as internet bundles to ensure continuity of learning in circumstances leading to prolonged school closures. But more importantly, the role of parents in home schooling needs to be explored given the need for them to play a role also in guiding and supporting their children to gain meaningfully from the experiences of remote or online learning.


Published in CEMASTEA News Written by April 06 2021

Artcile by John Odhiambo Chair, DMC, CEMASTEA

During the 2020 National Diversity and Inclusion Awards & Recognition (DIAR) held at Sarit Expo Center, Nairobi, on Friday, March 12th 2021, CEMASTEA was awarded a trophy for the best Government Institution People living with disability (PWD) inclusion. The trophy was delivered to CEMASTEA by James Maina, Executive Director, Daima Trust, Kenya. Daima Trust, Kenya, runs DIAR awards. The short award presentation ceremony was attended by Director CEMASTEA, Mrs Jacinta Akatsa, HSC. John Odhiambo DMC Chair, Joseph Ngugi DMC Vice-Chair and Thuo Karanja P.C. Chair.  Mr Maina having had the opportunity to tour the Centre and witness activities of the DMC's expressed that CEMASTEA well deserved the award.  He advised the Committee to have more PWDs work at CEMASTEA and training programmes to be more inclusive. He expressed the willingness to partner withCEMASTEA on such programmes.


Mrs, Jacinta Akatsa Director  CEMASTEA, receiving the 2020 Award from the Executive Director,  Daima Trust, Mr James Maina

Currently, CEMASTEA has within its staff three who are PWDs.

The Disability Mainstreaming Committee at CEMASTEA is the most active in implementing yearly performance contracting targets set by the Kenya Government. The Committee aims to improve service delivery to CEMASTEA clients continually and, in particular, those with Persons Living with Disabilities (PWDs). Since its inception, the Committee, with the support of Centre management, has implemented programmes that have greatly improved the physical infrastructure at the Centre and made it friendly for the mobility and comfort for PWDs.


Left: Main Ramp through the Administration Block to the classrooms and laboratories Right: Staff practicing Kenya Sign Language (KSL) as an ongoing best practice to ensure a friendly environment for the hearing impaired

Sample of initiatives focusing on infrastructure to accommodate persons living with disabilities (PWDs include building ramps and rails, disability-friendly washrooms, and modification of hostels rooms.  The Committee has also facilitated the training of more than 20 staff on basic Kenya Sign Language (KSL). The Committee works closely with the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD), an established Government of Kenya Department whose mandate is to facilitate disability mainstreaming Programmes in the public and private sectors.  NCPWD has elevated CEMASTEA as a Centre of excellence concerning the Mainstreaming of PWDs programmes and recommends other government institutions to visit and benchmark the Committee's success. 

Published in CEMASTEA News Written by February 16 2021

Collaborative Lesson Research (CLR) is a model which addresses teaching and learning gaps through collaborative planning, implementing and organized post lesson discussions. 

The CLR study venture is among Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) and five Primary Schools namely Visa Oshwal, Karen C, Oloolua, Buruburu 1 and Kyamulendu. The collaboration started in the year 2019 and is expected to take three years.

With the onset of COVID-19, the engagement was halted with a hope of a little break and resumption. In November 2020, an online training was conducted from 23rd to 27th November. Organizers for the training were Japanese experts from Tokyo Gakugei University (TGU) with the Lead Researcher on CLR and key trainer, Dr. Akihiko Takahashi operating from the USA.

Participants were a team of CEMASTEA staff and teachers drawn from the five schools. The training involved synchronous and asynchronous sessions.


 (JICA long term expert Prof. Tetsuya Takahashi, CEMASTEA team and participants who undertook online training with their certificates; (clockwise) Karen C primary , BuruBuru 1 Primary ,  Kyamulendu Primary  and Oloolua Primary Schools)


During the online training, participants were taken through the concept of lesson study commonly known as “Kyouzai Kenkyu” in Japan. They used mathematical examples to elaborate how teachers can collaboratively plan lessons and maximize on learners’ ideas during teaching for effective curriculum delivery. 

Those who successfully completed the training were awarded certificates. It is hoped that the idea shall be passed on to other teachers in our schools.In January, 2021, JICA dispatched a long term expert Prof. Tetsuya Takahashi to CEMASTEA to support the research process.

(JICA long term expert, Professor Takahashi Tetsuya)

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Quality Policy Statement

The Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa is committed to providing training to curriculum implementers and conducting educational research in a timely, efficient and effective manner

The Centre is committed to satisfying customer, organizational, legal and ISO 9001:2015 requirements and to the continual improvement of its quality management system.



International Webinar on Enhancing Integrated STEM Education in Africa

Join CEMASTEA webinar to learn more on Learner-centered practice, Principles of Slow Movement, Innovation & Computational thinking in STEM Education. Click here for more

CEMASTEA Newsletter

The CEMASTEA Info Newsletter Issue 016 is Out!!! With very interesting articled on: 𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀 and 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 a𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬. Download a copy and read more. Enjoy the read!


Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (JOMSTE)! Are you looking for a journal to publish your work? Click here for more information and Guidelines for Authors.

CEMASTEA’s Practitioner Journal of Mathematics and Science Teachers

CEMASTEA has established a Practitioner Journal of Mathematics and Science Teachers (PJM&ST). Click here to access the journal. The journal is also accessible on CEMASTEA Content Repository using the link: and on the Online Journal System using the link:

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